Streets of Stratford Sketches by Megan Skelton

Megan Skelton has kindly contributed her Stratford sketches for the Streets of Stratford site and walking tour.

Megan Skelton is a sketch artist  who creates whimsical scenes from around Southwestern Ontario. She best describes her urban sketches as lighthearted.  She says that "in the early days she resisted crooked lines in perfect representations of the world, but that she came to embrace her slightly cartoonish style. I find that it offers an upbeat and playful view of our world ".

Click to  see more of her prints  Megansbrushstrokes

      Watson's Chelsea Bazarr

Stratford Public Library

Stratford Jail

Ontario Street:   Looking north at the corner of Ontario and Downie Streets

Ontario Street: Huron to Downie

Boat House

Market Street

*   Copyright Megan Skelton