Take a scroll to see how Downie Street evolved.
Downie Street takes its name from Robert Downie,a director of the Canada Company. On an 1829 survey map of the Stratford area, Downie Street was show as "Appin." It was probable that Canada Company founder John Galt chose this name in honour of his friend, "Mr. Downie of Appin." but soon disappeared. Downie is one of the oldest streets in Stratford and was first named Downie Road on the 1839 map. The first block of Downie, from Ontario to Albert and Wellington, became known as Market Street because it led to the new market. The name stuck until about 1908, when it again became part of Downie Street because of confusion with Market Place.
1870 Photo: Vince Gratton
Summer view fron the front door of City Hall, turn of the century Postcard Vince Gratton
Winter view from the door of City Hall circa 1880 Photo: Vince Gratton
1905 Photo: Vince Gratton
1905 Photo: Vince Gratton
1906 Photo: Vince Gratton
1906 Photo: Vince Gratton
1906 Market Street changed to Downie Street . The Bank of Montreal is shownon the left . On the corner right is James Pequegnat Jeweler. Their slogan was "DIAMONDS of the Water direct from Amsterdam Cutters, Prices Tempting " Next to it is the Canadian Bank of Commerce. The building at the end of the block is the British Mortgage and Loan. Photo: Nancy Musselman
1910 See in background is the Post Office Photo: Vince Gratton
1910 Whyte Packing Co, Northwest corner of Wellington and Downie Street Photo: Vince Gratton
1912 City Hall , Commercial Hotel corner of Brunswick and Downie Street, South side Photo: Nancy Musselman
1912 West corner, Whyte Packing Co. next the Savoy Club Photo: Vince Gratton
1913 Photo: Vince Gratton
1913 The Sparta Restaurant and Confectionary can barely be seen here Their slogan was "Our Pure Olive Oil is a good Spring Tonic, ask your doctor". On the corner is the Griffin's Theatre that was its name for a short time and then was renamed the Majestic Theatre before it became the Avon Theatre . Photo: Vince Gratton
1913 Corner east side H.M. Myers drugs Photo: Vince Gratton
1914 Photo: Vince Gratton
1929 Kresge under construction. Duggans to the right with square capola Photo: Bettie Petrie de Vos
1938 Prout and Garwood clothing East Side Photo: Vince Gratton
1940 East side: United Cigar Store next to Bank of Nova Scotia and bearly visable is the Tamblyn Drug Store , on the west side you an see Shapiro's and Steel optomitrist. Photo: Nancy Musselman
1952 The corner store on the left is the United Cigar Store and next to it you can make out the the Bank of Nova Scotia. Across the street you can see Steele Optical and the glassses above the sign. Whyte Packing Co. is at the end of the street on the west side. Photo: Nancy Musselman
1952 The A&P store was here from 1939 -1961, It moved to Erie Street in 1962 then Ontario Street in 1972 to 1987. Photo: Vince Gratton
1953 The brown building is the Royal Bank established in 1926 . Woolworths is on the corner Photo: Doug Jasper
1960 Woolworth Co. was here from 1938-1960s and S.S. Kresge Co. from 1935 -1970 Photo: Vince Gratton
1961 Pirates of Penzance staring Eric House . Across the street the White Star Barbershop Photo: Vince Gratton
1964 Next to Kresge , Agnew Surpass Shoes, Walkers Clothes and Limelight Restaurant Photo: Vince Gratton
1987 Photo: Vince Gratton